Dr. Paul Carini

Microbiologist (he/him)

I’m a microbiologist interested in the biology of non-growth and microbial survival in low-resource habitats. When not thinking about environmental microbes, I’m using microbiology to craft fermented or cured foods from local ingredients, exploring nature with my family, listening to heavy metal, trying to set 2K row erg PRs, watching Formula 1 races, or working on cars.


I am a geomicrobiologist, and mycophile fascinated by life in the underground, including fungal & prokaryote microbial ecology & electromicrobiology in the deep subsurface. I am especially partial to anaerobic microbes. I love field work & my recent research has taken me from the Kiruna iron ore mine in Lapland, to the Stockholm subway system, to the deep sea seamounts of the Arctic Ocean. In my spare time I like to hang out with horses, make Kombucha and play the descant recorder.

Dr. (Dr.) Oona Snoeyenbos-West

Researcher (she/her)


Makaela Valencia

Undergraduate researcher (she/her)

I’m an undergraduate majoring in Biochemistry and an Honors college student at the University of Arizona. I'm excited to learn and research more about how microbes can impact the ecosystems around us. When I’m not studying I can be found swimming in the pool, hanging out with friends, or embroidering.


I'm an undergraduate majoring in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science with minors in Italian and Emergency Medical Services. I am excited to be a part of the Carini Lab and explore the world of microbial ecosystems. When I'm not studying or working, you can likely find me listening to music and trying to optimize techniques and strategies in video games. On a bold day, I also enjoy the ups and downs of rock climbing.

Coralee D'Agostino

Undergraduate researcher (she/her)


I am a graduate student in the Environmental Science department and a NSF BRIDGES fellow. With a background in marine and microbial science, I plan to investigate the activity of microbes, particularly archaea, as regulators of global biogeochemical cycles. I plan to apply my research toward solutions to combat climate change. Other than research, I love training to get faster at triathlons, convincing people around me to do the same, listening to Ologies with Alie Ward, and backpacking.

Caitlin Tribelhorn

ENVS Doctoral Student & BRIDGES Fellow (she/her)


Abigail Keyes

Undergraduate Intern (She/her)

I am a pre-health undergraduate majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology, with minors in Art History and Biochemistry. I am very excited to learn about everything cells have to offer in understanding the various puzzles of the world. I absolutely love the laboratory environment and I am very ecstatic about the many aspects of the Carini Lab. Outside of the lab, I am someone who almost always has a book. I also draw a lot, primarily realism using pencil and charcoal, and I occasionally sew as well.


I’m an astrobiologist and first-year graduate student in the Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) department. I love studying microbes in habitats on Earth that can act as analogues for habitats on other planets (and even moons)! Right now my focus is on RNA decay in desiccation-tolerant microbes. When I’m not working, I enjoy playing D&D with friends, spending time with my partner and our pets, watching horror movies, running/hiking, reading (especially science fiction or fantasy), and playing video games.

Adriana Gomez-Buckley

MCB Doctoral Student (She/her)


Tu Vo

Undergraduate Researcher (She/her)

I'm a Biology major with an emphasis in Biomedical Sciences and a minor in Biochemistry. I love Microbiology and am very excited to be part of the Carini Lab. I am grateful for the opportunity to study microbes, and how those tiny creatures influence our world. When not studying, I usually enjoy playing video games, watching Korean/ Chinese TV dramas, cooking Vietnamese dishes, going to the movies, or just simply catch up on my sleep!



Melanie Kridler (Research Technician)

Jim Legins (ABBS Rotation Student)

Christina Guerrero-Baughan (research technician/ABBS rotation student)

Isabella Viney (MS graduate 2022, 2021 NSF GRFP recipient)

Mary Reed-Weston (Genetics GIDP rotation student)

Brooke Garland (Visiting Undergraduate Researcher from University of Detroit Mercy)

Khara Gude (Undergraduate researcher; 2022 McNair Scholar)

Roxanne Bantay (ABBS rotation student)

Bridget Taylor

Brad Schlottman

Ryan Yamauchi

Amanda Howe

Skyler Anderson

Ryan Bartelme

Joy Custer (MS graduate 2020)

Brenna Bourque